Watch the paintings grow from the beginning. I created Process to document various projects from the beginning,
with the hope of shedding some light on the origins of the ideas. I begin with my basic tools-my heart, my mind, my eyes,
my hands, a can of paint, and a brush. In the same way that music sometimes springs from an initial idea that may only be
a few notes, a painting or sculpture can develop from just a few lines, colors, shapes, or ideas.
Works, Rochester, New York Louis Perticone, director and creator of Artisan Works, gave me the wall space
for the mural. I wanted to create something as a remembrance for a friend who had recently passed away, one of the sweetest
and most loving people I had ever known. Once I began drawing, it felt like the mural was creating itself.
had only one request, that I keep the no parking sign(toward the right) intact.
Beginning March 21, 2010, watch
a step by step creation of this, the third painting of the Casablanca Trilogy.

What music was I listening to? |
3.27.10 The music I was listening
to is Ok Go, the album "Of the Blue Colour of the Sky"-Great Album! And check out the Rube Goldberg video for "This
Too Shall Pass" on the Ok Go web site at You'll be glad you did.
3.31.10 Freezing in the Studio!
after this I got a call that my mother had fallen and broken her hip.
5.4.10 After returning
from my mother's almost three weeks later. Springtime!
continued-much more to come!
Stunt an idea for a painting

A photo, right, of Overacker's stunt was taken by an Egyptian tourist |
In November of
2008 I showed a few paintings from the Remembrance series at the Rochester Contemporary Art Center. To announce the
show I made 300 hand painted cards, below left and right. The cards are 4 x 6 inches. The paintings-one is shown below center-are
8 feet by 8 feet. The drawings on the cards were based on the original sketch for the series of paintings, which can be seen
at the ATDE Archive page.

I had stopped at WBER, Rochester's famous
alternative radio station, and gave one of the cards to Joey Guisto*. He seemed to be startled by the simplicity of the card
and made a comment about it. This motivated me to create this Process page, to shed a little light on the creative process
from the beginning. It is easy to hear how four simple notes might develop into Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, or a Ramone's
tune, but I guess some people have a more difficult time making the jump when it comes to visual things. Here's a chance to
improve your cultural literacy! All these abstract images have roots in reality, in our contemporary culture, in music, literature,
and much, much more. For example, if I told you that the painting above is based on Niagara Falls, and is also a metaphor
for our life journey, which seems to end-or make a pit stop-in a seemingly infinite abyss, would it add to your enjoyment
of the paintings? When you see something you can recognize, just follow the thread-it's like a puzzle. *Joey Guisto, of WBER in Rochester, NY(THE best alternative station out there, 90.5 fm). You can also
check them out online at
Click here to go to WBER 90.5 fm in Rochester, NY